Creative learning experiences for the development of environmental values in high school students




Environmental creative education, Training in environmental culture, Encouraging the care for the environment, Environmental values


Focusing upon a creative learning approach, it is necessary the practice of environmental values aimed at to raise awareness among students about the care and protection of the environment. The objective of this study was to establish the creative learning experiences for the development of environmental values in senior students of the 13D02C15_a circuit from Montecristi-Ecuador. It was developed under an exploratory field-type qualitative-quantitative approach, theoretical methods of analysis and synthesis were used to deepen the case of study and, as a technique, the survey of students and teachers, in addition to the interview with managers. The results showed that there is not enough knowledge about successful experiences in environmental education and exists a lack of didactic strategies to encourage values for the promotion of the environment. It is concluded that there is an insufficient use of learning experiences in the classroom that allow the promotion of environmental values. However, the study highlights that continuous educational reforestation projects by species are a creative learning experience that are taking its first steps in educational centers and that develops the environmental value of respect for nature.


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Research Articles

How to Cite

Creative learning experiences for the development of environmental values in high school students. (2023). Journal of the Academy, 9, 63-78.