Gamification: impact on the classroom and student autonomy




autonomy, education, game, academic achievement, performance


With respect to gamification, it is an innovative educational approach to propose issues related to responsibility, student motivation and academic achievement in the different divisions of learning. From all this, it can be deduced that the influence of games in the educational environment benefits students by promoting their active participation, capturing their attention, encouraging autonomy, generating a competitive spirit and, above all, achieving good academic performance. Therefore, the purpose of this research was to examine the impacts observed on the motivations, behavior and academic performance of university students. To this aim, it is intended to implement the characteristic dynamics of games in higher education, which will allow a more appropriate approach to research. A quantitative non-experimental research approach was used with the purpose of analyzing the effects of games on the motivations, behavior and academic performance of university students. As a result, it was found that games foster autonomy, motivation, engagement and social interaction among students, which in turn facilitates the development and understanding of the topics addressed in each challenge posed.


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Research Articles

How to Cite

Gamification: impact on the classroom and student autonomy. (2024). Journal of the Academy, 10, 171-199.