Innovation in Chile and Peru: analysis of the dimensions of the global innovation index




innovation, global innovation index, dimensions, Chile, Peru


With the data collected from the Global Innovation Index (GII) of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), and statistically processed using Pearson's correlation procedure and the analysis of comparison of means for independent samples under the t-Student test, the innovative performance of Chile and Peru in the last five years is analyzed based on the analysis of the seven dimensions of the GII.  It is composed of a series of input and output indicators, which, within the singularities of the Latin American contexts, allow us to learn about the innovative activity of these two economies. The research seeks to contribute to the understanding of the phenomenon of innovation in developing countries in Latin America, whose state of the art is still incipient. In concrete terms, the results show significant differences both in the Global Innovation Index and in the dimensions: Institutions; Infrastructure; Business development; scientific and technological outputs; and creative outputs, but not in Human Capital and Research nor in Market sophistication.

The research seeks to contribute to the understanding of the phenomenon of innovation in developing countries in Latin America, whose state of the art is still incipient. In concrete terms, the results show significant differences both in the Global Innovation Index and in the dimensions: Institutions; Infrastructure; Business sophistication; Knowledge and technology outputs; and Creative outputs, but not in Human Capital and Research nor in Market sophistication.


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Research Articles

How to Cite

Innovation in Chile and Peru: analysis of the dimensions of the global innovation index. (2024). Journal of the Academy, 10, 105-129.