Academic faculty and its contribution to the quality of the phds in education in Chile




postgraduate studies, doctorate in education, quality, doctoral faculties, Chile


The National Commission for Research in Science and Technology (CONICYT) in the nineties, today known as the National Research and Development Agency (ANID), began to work with the objective of regulating the creation and validation of postgraduate programs in Chile, and in specific in the academic community. The purpose of this work is to identify the composition of the profile of the faculty academics and their contribution to the quality of doctorates in Education in Chile. A descriptive analysis was carried out on the information obtained from the Higher Education Information System (SIES) database of the Ministry of Education and a qualitative analysis of the faculty with a scientometric basis of the programs. In the period 2017-2022, twelve Doctorate in Education programs were developed. The accredited programs belong to universities of the Council of Rectors (CRUCH) and have faculty with lines of research aimed at the lines of research of the programs under study, granting quality sustainability to the doctorates, but not the non-accredited programs. It is concluded that the accreditation of Doctorates in Education depends on a quality academic body, with defined lines of research aligned with the research of said programs, having as a result a quality Postgraduate program and minimum levels of accreditation.


A descriptive analysis was conducted using information obtained from the Higher Education Information System (SIES) database of the Ministry of Education, along with a qualitative analysis of the faculty members based on scientometric criteria of the programs. In the period 2017-2022, twelve Doctoral programs in Education were developed. The accredited programs belong to universities within the Council of Rectors (CRUCH) and have faculties with research lines aligned with the research areas of the programs under study, thereby ensuring sustainability of quality for the doctorates. This is not the case for non-accredited programs.

It is concluded that the accreditation of Doctoral programs in Education relies on a high-quality academic faculty with well-defined research lines aligned with the research focus of the respective programs. The implications of such accreditation include the establishment of a high-quality Postgraduate program and achieving minimum accreditation standards.


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Research Articles

How to Cite

Academic faculty and its contribution to the quality of the phds in education in Chile. (2024). Journal of the Academy, 10, 51-79.