Knowledge society, academic activity and third university mission: an Argentinian outlook




academic profession, third university mission, university and environment, university social commitment, university and business


We study the Argentinian Academic Profession in relation to external activities and its link with public policies designed to strengthen the “third mission” of the university, in light of the paradigm of the knowledge society. Our main question is to what extent academics from Argentinian public universities develop activities linked to society, and what common aspects and differences there are in their development according to their disciplinary and generational origins. Furthermore, the orientation of these actions is investigated, depending on whether they are activities linked to the productive system, or activities linked to the university social commitment. We work with information from a specific section of a survey carried out in 2019, based on a representative sample of the total number of teachers from national universities (n=1050), within the framework of the Academic Profession in the knowledge Society Project, in which more than 20 countries participated. The work puts in context the transformation processes of academic activity in Argentina and seeks to identify diverse academic profiles according to the external activity they carry out, in order to project these changes into the future as they collaborate with greater diversity and complementarity with the other substantive functions of the university.


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Research Articles

How to Cite

Knowledge society, academic activity and third university mission: an Argentinian outlook. (2024). Journal of the Academy, 10, 5-32.