Active methodologies as encouragers of reflective and creative processes: teachers' perceptions




Active methodology, Pedagogical praxis, Creativity, Innovative education


The article proposes to thematize active Methodologies as enhancers of reflective and creative processes based on teaching perceptions. The problematizing question that permeates the reflection regarding the current educational field is: how can active learning methodologies enhance the development of reflective and creative processes from the perspective of teachers who work in a private school? The objective is to analyze the perception of the teachers of a private school located in a municipality of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, with respect to active teaching and learning methodologies. For the effectiveness of the objective, it was decided to carry out a qualitative case study in the educational institution. Therefore, we are analyzing and reflecting on the data listed by the professors in the investigation. The studio explains the importance of active methodologies in the qualification of the pedagogical act, presenting tools for innovation, entrepreneurship, personalization, maker culture and design thinking, seeing teachers as mediators in teaching and learning dynamics. Innovative pedagogical action is an elevated form of pedagogical praxis that leads to overcoming the pedagogical task, thus rethinking the organizational structure of the educational space and current forms of education.


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Author Biographies

  • Volnei Fortuna, Universidade La Salle

    Graduated in Philosophy from the Berthier Higher Institute of Philosophy (IFIBE). Postgraduate in Education, Human Rights and Ethnic-Racial Relations, carried out by the Berthier Higher Institute of Philosophy (IFIBE) in partnership with the Passo Fundo Human Rights Commission (CDHPF) and the Cultural Association of Black Women of Passo Fundo (ACMUN) . Pedagogical Training of Teachers for Basic and Professional Education (IFRS) Campus Sertão. Master and Doctor in Education by the Graduate Program in Education at the University of Passo Fundo (UPF). Postdoctoral fellow at La Salle University - Canoas (UNILASALLE). He participated in the Municipal Council for the Environment and the Permanent Assembly for Environmental Preservation in the municipality of Passo Fundo. He was an educator at IFRS Campus Sertão. He served as Project Coordinator for the Association of Entities of the Transformation Project. He is currently Pedagogical Coordinator of Colégio Salvatoriano Bom Conselho and Educator of the Post-Graduation Paulo Freire and the Pedagogy of Liberation (CENSUPEG).

  • Hildegard Susana Jung, Universidade La Salle

    PhD in Education from La Salle University - Campus Canoas (2018). Master in Education from URI - Campus Frederico Westphalen (2015), Specialization in University Teaching in Contemporaneity (2020), Specialization in Institutional Psychopedagogy (2011), Graduate in Pedagogy from Unilasalle (2022) and Graduate in Normal Superior from the Faculty of Technology and Sciences (2007). She is currently a professor of the Pedagogy course, coordinator and permanent researcher of the Graduate Program in Education at Unilasalle. Coordinator of the stricto sensu Graduate Program at the same university. She has experience in Basic Education, Technical and Language Education, with an emphasis on teacher training. Line of research: Teacher Training, Theories and Educational Practices, working mainly on the themes: teacher training, learning, student protagonism, autonomy, educational processes, management and democratic participation, disruptive curriculum and educational public policies. She is deputy leader of the Educational Management Research Group in different contexts-Unilasalle. Member of the Scientific Council for Research and Extension (CCPE) at Unilasalle. Member of the Municipal Council of Education of the municipality of Canoas, RS (2019-2023). Researcher member of the Red de Investigadores en Gobernanza Universitaria (RIGU), visiting professor at the Instituto Interuniversitario de Investigación Educativa (IESED-CHILE) and member of the editorial board of several journals. Co-author of the book Education and Continuing Training: An analysis of the National Secondary Education Pact - Mishaps, Challenges and Possibilities, released in May 2016 by CRV publishing house and the book Pedagogical mediation: training and protagonism in learning spaces, released by the University's publishing house La Salle in 2022. Organizer of several books, in addition to several other publications in national and international journals and book chapters.


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Research Articles

How to Cite

Active methodologies as encouragers of reflective and creative processes: teachers’ perceptions. (2023). Journal of the Academy, 9, 43-62.

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