From the pedagogy of the oppressed to the pedagogy of autonomy: literacy and literacy as emancipation of subject




Literacy and Reading and writing skills, Emancipation of the subject, Continuing Education, Pedagogy of the Oppressed, Pedagogy of Autonomy


This article deals with the subject's path from the Pedagogy of the Oppressed to the Pedagogy of Emancipation through the reading and writing skills and literacy process. The objective is to investigate the process necessary to the continuous formation of the teacher in their own teaching emancipation to lead the students in the reading and writing skills and literacy process as personal emancipation. The methodology has a qualitative approach and consists of bibliographic research on the proposed theme, using as main theoretical support Freire (2006, 2011) and Ausubel (2000). Data analysis will be performed based on Bardin (2016). The results indicate that for a process of emancipation of the subject to occur through literacy, in Freire's view, it is necessary to invest in the following aspects: a) continued training of teachers who work with students; b) the development of proposals aimed at meaningful learning; c) the teacher-student bond, respecting the previous knowledge of each subject and using the bond itself as a form of learning.


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Research Articles

How to Cite

From the pedagogy of the oppressed to the pedagogy of autonomy: literacy and literacy as emancipation of subject. (2023). Journal of the Academy, 9, 6-20.