University rankings, neither angels nor demons: criticisms and uses by stakeholders




Higher education, university rankings, universities, university governance


The university environment has undergone a significant change in recent years, due to increased competition for resources and the pressure to demonstrate that they are effectively fulfilling their missions and objectives. This has generated the need to evaluate their work and exhibit their performance, a space that has been occupied by university rankings as a tool for accountability in higher education. The purpose of this research is to display the main criticisms and uses associated with university rankings, in order to achieve a broad perspective of these organizational measurement tools. In order to achieve this, a descriptive type of research is carried out using secondary sources of information. The results indicate that the rankings serve as an orientation tool for students and families in the choice of a university, in addition to being a valuable source of information for the institutions themselves. The main criticisms associated with university rankings are linked to the methodology they employ, such as the notion of quality they propose, the predominance of indicators over research and the use of opinion surveys. Despite this, the rankings can be useful if they are used appropriately and if their limitations are taken into account.


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Research Articles

How to Cite

University rankings, neither angels nor demons: criticisms and uses by stakeholders. (2023). Journal of the Academy, 9, 158-183.